ABUSING a child is the worst thing a human being can do. There is no excuse to hurt a child like that. YOU CAN DESTROY A CHILD's life and turn them into something that they cannot get out of. I CANT SAY who it is because out of deep respect. BUT I WILL never listen to his music again.
DEAD or ALIVE ( cant say who?) when I heard this person say on a show to the person that helps people with a addiction that they were abused by a close individual. I just got sick to my stomach and that explains everything as to why this person could not beat his addiction.
You see, I take things personal whether I know the people or not. When this person got on TV and said that his ******** abused him in every way possible I was disgusted. I saw that show last year and I didnt hear that at the time until my friend told me to watch it again. When I heard this guy say that he was abused by ********* in every way, that explained everything and made it clear to me. Father and *** doing the same thing in the same sandbox made me ill.
Thats a pain I could never ever get over and I too would numb myself to death. Especially when you dont have the answer as to why this happened. Your not able to confront your attacker because he is DEAD. Why would anyone try to cure themselves. YOU GET A MEMORY OVER AND OVER of what has happened to you with no place to escape and the only place you can turn to is DRUGS. I hope and pray that HELP is being seeked but that burns on your brain forever. UNLESS you find someone you can TRUST, THERE is no way to get out of it. I HOPE THIS PERSON HAS LEFT DRUGS ALONE AND GETTING THE HELP HE DESERVES.
That poor baby, I can only imagine how this is killing him all these years. I feel really bad and awful for the person. Imagine going through that as a child to adulthood. When it happens to a girl its the worst thing that could ever ever ever happen to a women. WHEN IT HAPPENS TO A BOY..i cant even talk............ lets put it that way.... That poor baby thats all I have to say. I told my parents I dont EVER want to hear that GUYS music again. When you play his MUSIC its like a slap in the face. YOU DONT TOUCH CHILDREN AND YOU DONT TOUCH YOUR OWN.
Claudia Reid
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